Congratulations on having the best & most comprehensive recruiting website on the market! You have the ability to customize your website and make it your own. List the information as you choose... just be clear, concise & accurate.
Click HERE to view a sample website and get design ideas.
Website Problems
Contact us here at Turn 2 Sports Consulting if you are having any issues with your website, we are here to help! We appreciate your feedback & are committed to providing the VERY BEST recruiting website on the planet! Phone: 732-455-3972 Email:
Bouncing to top of page after editing a section
After editing a section of your website, you should be returned to that section of the page. If you keep getting bounced back to the top very top of your editing page that indicates you have an old version of a browser {Google Chrome, Windows Explorer, Safari, Firefox, etc}. Just download a new version of your browser of choice!
Click HERE to download a newer version of your favorite browser.
How do I log into my website?
Click on the red locker "Website Sign-in" icon in the navigational area on the TS2C website. This brings you directly into your website edit page. *Please make sure you "Log out" after each editing session for security reasons. "Log out" button is located at the top right of your Edit Page.
Navigating from your edit page to the "Real View"
To quickly navigate from your edit page to the real view that coaches will see click on the "View My Website" button on the top right of your edit page - it is next to the "Log out" button. Then to navigate back to make more edits click on the "Edit Website" button under your name at the top of the page. Note you can also click on last button "View Website" located in the black navigational panel on the left side of the page. When you view your website this way, you do not have access to the "Edit Website" button under your name because this is the website view coaches see {look at the URL in the address bar at the top of the page} . So in order to get back to your edit page through this view you have to click on the appropriate window tab at the top.
What is my website URL? How do coaches access my website?
You actually have 2 URL's: {for editing & viewing} and {for viewing only}. is the link you send to the coaches. It is listed on the bottom of your website homepage. *NOTE THAT IF YOU GIVE COACHES THE WRONG URL YOU RISK COACHES ALTERING/DELETING PARTS OF YOUR WEBSITE. Copy and paste your URL into the body of an email personalized to each coach...they will click on a link that brings your website to life!
Choose your Background Image & Heading Colors
Click on "Update Color/Cover" & choose background image & heading colors - choose a combination that pops! NOTE: You cannot choose "White" for a heading color due to the white background- it will not display..
What is "Upload Printable Profile?
Upload a printable profile for coaches to print out if you desire...load at the top right of your Edit Page. If you load a document, coaches will see it at the top right of your homepage.
Editing your website?
Click on the pencil icon or "Add Information" & white edit boxes appear -just type...just make sure you "update" and/or "save" the info before exiting out. To delete info just click the "X".
What is the "Profile Statement"?
A brief summary of your skills, strengths &accomplishments. Your profile statement introduces you and gives the college coach an overview of your recruiting profile. We recommend keeping the statement short....remember less is more AND coaches don't want to read too much. You should be able to hit your highlights in 4-5 sentences. We also recommend you writing it in the 3rd person as if someone is writing this statement about you....hence your "Scouting Report"
What are my Top Skills/Traits?
You your highlights! Identify your top qualities, skills, strengths, honors, etc. You have one line to list up to 5.
Adding Logos & Photos
LOGOS: Customize your website by adding your team or school logos or other sports images {like a ball} if you choose. PHOTOS: Add as many photos as you choose..we suggest action shots of you in competition or training. Note that all logos and photos that you load will continuously scroll on your homepage so keep that in mind. We suggest loading 2-3 logos and 8-10 photos.
How do I upload video?
There are 2 ways you can upload video:
Attach a LINK or EMBED the code. In the "CHOOSE TYPE" drop down box choose which way you want to load the video. If you would like to order the videos from top to bottom then in the "Sort Order" box at the bottom designate the number you want the video to show. For a LINK, copy the URL from the top of your browser window and paste it into the box.
EMBEDDING VIDEO - This is the PREFERRED method of attaching video....the "video box" displays this method of loading. First, you click the "Share" button under your video on YouTube, then you click the "Embed" button that appears. COPY that code directly into the "Code" box {You have the option to select link or code} on your edit page.
What types of files can I upload?
Stick with either jpg or pdf and you'll be fine. Avoid uploading a doc file since most web browsers don't know what to do with them. Also, be sure there are no special characters or spaces in the file names of the PDFs or JPGs you are uploading. The only characters that are acceptable are dashes and underscores. No ,./?!@#$%^&*(). Letters and numbers are ok.
An example:
WRONG: Athlete's Evaluation.pdf
RIGHT: AthletesEvaluation.pdf or Athletes_Evaluation.pdf
What is the difference between a "Primary Sport" & "Other Sports"?
A "Primary Sport." is a sport you wish to be recruited in. Other sports you play are listed in the "Other Sport" category. Remember college coaches LOVE multi-sport athletes so make sure you play as many as you can & then list them all here!
If you compete in a sport like tennis, golf or fencing that has an "Association"rather than a club or travel team that you are a member of, list your membership in this section of your website. Example: USTA, USJGA, USFA. Also list any "Certifications" you may have such as CPR, Lifeguard, Officiating, Referee, Mediation, etc.....
We give you the ability to create your own headings and list information { for example stats} relevant to you & your sport. First you'll be prompted to create a "Header". Then "Save" that header & then you'll see a box to create a "Heading Title" and beneath that a box to list the "Information". You also have the ability to add a link or file by clicking in the "Choosing Type" box. Sample: Create "High School Statistics" header/ List "Batting Average" as the "Heading Title" & ".456%" as the "information".
Can I order entries in the Individual Accomplishments, Team Accomplishments and Press Releases sections?
These sections are ordered alphabetically, in descending order (Z-A). That being the case, we suggest you enter the sport name first (so that all entries for the same sport are grouped together), then the year (current year first), then the title of the entry (remembering that an entry that starts with "The" will appear above an entry that starts with "An".
An example:
Tennis 2016: The...
Tennis 2015: An...
Tennis 2014: The...
Tennis 2010: An...
Soccer 2016: The...
Soccer 2015: An...
Basketball 2017: The...
Basketball 2016: An...
"Announcements/Past & Future Events" on your Playing Schedule page
Make any announcements pertaining to upcoming events....list information that includes details of your competition schedule - you can attach the link or file as well. So list date, time, location, opponent & always include your team name & colors & uniform number if relevant. The point is to make it easy for coaches to find you. Keep this announcements box updated. Once your event is past, exchange with the next one! "Past & Future Events" - This section is for past & future camps, clinics, combines, tournaments & showcases you have been to or will be attending so coaches can see your competitive history & upcoming schedule. If available, add a website link as well. The PAST/FUTURE section helps coaches plan evaluation dates & makes it easier for them to find you & gauge your development during the recruitment process.
Contact Information
List coaches that are willing to be contacted by college coaches. These coaches help "sell" you and are are very important in the recruiting process. The primary contact should be your #1 choice in case a college coach only speaks to one coach. Note you will list multiple primary coaches if you play more than 1 sport.